
Your opinion is important to us. We would appreciate you taking a moment to complete the following questionnaire so we can find out more about your views on the proposal this exhibition is all about. The aim of this questionnaire is to allow individuals to contribute to the development process and interact with Boralex. This is not a substitute for the official planning process. No personal information will be passed on to third parties.

1. What are your views on the use of renewable energy to help meet our energy requirements?
(onshore and offshore wind power, solar power, biomass, wave and tidal power, amongst others)
2. What are your views on the use of battery storage in order to help manage our energy requirements?
3a. How do you feel about the Loch Toftingall proposal?
4. How close do you live to the proposed development site?
6. How did you first learn about the project?
8. If you would like us to respond to any of the comments you have made or questions you have asked in this questionnaire, please indicate here and, if required, we will get back to you shortly: