Following the first round of community consultation, the Loch Toftingall project will now only comprise a 49.9 MW battery energy storage system. The site is located to the west of Loch Toftingall, north of the operational Halsary Wind Farm on the A9 south of Spittal. The project will, if consented, support local jobs and employment during its construction and operation. It will also support the long-term management of the land and the ambitions of the country for renewable energy generation.


Spittal  Community  Hall

Tuesday 14th  March, 1.30pm to 7.00pm

Watten  Village Hall

Wednesday 15th  March, 1.30pm to 6.30pm


All information available at the community open days will be available on the Online Consultation page of this website.

The online consultation will run from Tuesday 14th  March to Friday 31st March 2023.